Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lazy Post Day

No post today, busy busy busy, but I would like to refer to you to these two posts on the dearly departed Shawn and Mel's blog featuring a very thorough listing of some of many the peculiarities of Korea that they have noticed in their first few months. Pretty accurate and too funny. Well, maybe only funny in a context-specific 'in-joke' kinda way, it's hard to tell.


Ryan said...

Oh good...not that I'd completely forgotten about it or anything...

Present arrived in the nick of time thank you very much! Enjoy your hol guys! Hope it's stopped raining...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from us as well! Hope you are out having a drink somewhere with your friends.
Hope you got your 'special email' and that you liked your pressies.

Talk to you soon...

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ry card is on its way (nat forgot to post it in time) nowt new there then. Hope you have a gud en! x

Anonymous said...

Thats right blame me for forgeting to post them, better late then never hey!! Happy birthday anyway love, hope have a good 25th. Sam sends you best wishes too and hopes you have a great birthday (you know she can't work these technical machines!!) xx

shawn said...

Hey, Ryan, I didn't know it was your birthday but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll have to buy you some Binges the next time I see you.