Thursday, August 03, 2006


There are maybe 30 foreign teachers here as Seoul English Village, from America, Canada, Oz, New Zealand, and then there's us two Brits. In addition to us there are maybe 6 to 8 Korean teachers to whom English is a second language. They teach mostly the same classes as us, but are paid less. They are all women.

Yesterday, it emerged that one of them, let’s call her N - not that there's enough people reading my site for anything to get back to anyone it shouldn't, but can never be too careful - N was told by one of The Directors that she is forbidden to socialise with us foreigners after she was witnessed on CCTV entering the accommodation of more than one of the American guys (another reason we’re not impressed as we had naturally assumed they were for our security rather than to monitor our activities). For the record, it was entirely innocent, but I don't think it matters either way. She was told that as a Korean woman, she should be acting more responsible, which can only suggest that we ourselves are seen as somehow morally irresponsible in comparison, even though they are employing us to teach their children. Anyway, our N, a lovely girl, will no longer be scheduled classes in the art centre, as it is too close to the accommodation blocks, presumably because they're concerned that she will slip over for a quickie between classes.

Now all of this information is third or fourth hand, but here are a few of the other ugly snippets I’ve heard over the past couple of days:

  • we are not supposed to talk to the Korean assistants who shepherd the kids around site between classes – no reason given
  • The Korean teachers are no longer allowed three meals a day like us; they will now just get lunch, where I imagine, we'll soon have to eat at separate tables – no reason given
  • Since the incident with N, apparently a few of the other Korean teachers have since been yelled at for talking to us too much.

Of course, this isn't going to have any effect on how we act around them, but it will be a shame if they do feel unable to socialise with us anymore, and it is not leaving us well disposed towards the administration this week.

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