Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lamest. Post. Ever.

Bit of a slow news day today. I could gripe about how I don't get a free period until Thursday this week, but that would be spoiled of me. I could regale you with a tale how we went to the wholesalers yesterday and returned with spoils of peanut butter, brie and wine, but that would be of dubious interest perhaps. I could point out the new links section over in the right-hand column, but it's a bit half-assed so far, needs work. Don't bother with it. I could put myself in the firing line for another round of ridicule over my on-going project to make myself a scarf in time for winter, but I still haven't fully recovered from 'Bluecoatgate'. I could just go in the shower and have an early night for once. I will. Cheerio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun day... lol
Have a look at what Thomas got to do on his second birthday!!
It's the album whihc says second birthday oddly enough ;)
What you come back I'm taking you to Sundown with us!!!!