Friday, August 18, 2006

Important Site Maintence Announcement

I've just upgraded the site to the new and improved beta version of Blogger, so bear with me over the next few days if the site goes a bit squiffy from time to time - it's just me trying to get a handle on all the new features, and possibly cocking it up as I go...


Anonymous said...

I would like to be the first to compliment you on your new site Ryan.The archive section is better and your complete profile is a good idea. Well done - keep up the good work.

Ryan said...

Actually I haven't done anything yet - the changes you see so far are the default settings under the new beta template.

I do like the new archiving menu though. Also, from now on posts can be tagged with various categories too, so if you wanted to read all my 'bug' or 'food' posts, you'll be able to see them altogether. Give me time to tinker first though...

Ryan said...

The clock has been sent away for an upgrade.

Normal service will resume shortly.

We hope you will bear with us during this period of transition.